Happy birthday to Esperanza for its 40 years, katherine (56 years) Find us on https://goo.gl/oKDhg8 or come and see us 170 West 74th Street 10023 New York… Lire la suite de « Happy Birthday (New York) »
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happy New Year (New York)
Bacchus of Golden Sun, happy New Year, happiness, love, health, success, money, achievement, friendship, good deeds, family, friends Find us on http://goo.gl/SIFnZL
Joyeux Anniversaire (New York)
Nous souhaitons un joyeux anniversaire à Nicolette (22 ans), clayton (14 ans), dallas pour ses 14 ans Find us on http://goo.gl/SIFnZL or come and see us 170… Lire la suite de « Joyeux Anniversaire (New York) »